There is a certain weight attached to being the 'final' something. The final score, page, sentence, word, second. With the word 'final' a breath-holding heart-stopping moment happens where I wait for those final seconds to tick off the clock--so that I actually remember whatever final I am experiencing. I've had a number of 'final' moments in 2011 and they are all seared into my brain, but I have one more final before I finish out this year.
I am the final Girlfriends Book Club blogger for 2011.
For me, the end of year always includes hints of melancholy, but it also brings rejuvenation--hope--excitement for the newness that is the beginning of the adventure that is the new year. I am a soulful believer and participant in The New Year's Resolution. I even write them down and some years when I can actually remember where I put my resolutions--you know so I wouldn't forget where they were--they serve as fabulous entertainment around mid-July (okay sometimes as early as March) of all that I'd hoped to accomplish on January 1.
There is always the requisite 10 pounds (post childbirth it's 20). The new exercise regime (my muscles already ache just thinking about Sunday). The writing regime, housekeeping regime, cooking regime, and of course the being a better parent, wife, daughter, friend, volunteer...human.
But this year I am not making any resolutions. None. Not one. I guess in some sense the act of deciding not to make a resolution could actually be considered a resolution in itself--you know not making one is actually making one--suddenly I feel as if I am staring into a funhouse mirror.

I digress.
This year instead of resolutions--I am making New Year's Intentions.
What's the difference, you ask? Tomaytoe, Tomahtoe, you say. Oh, no, no, no, harbinger of doubt--there is a difference. If not convincing for you, loyal reader, at least let me try to convince myself.
An intention is an aim or a plan whereas a resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something. Now--I decide to do a whole lot of things but it is when I actually make a plan--set a goal--that these things actually get done.
What about all those Mid-July funnies (okay fine March) that were former resolutions, you ask--weren't those plans--goals--intentions in disguise?? Hmm??
Well--no. For some reason the term resolution has a negative connotation for me (and not because it always causes my muscles to ache for at least 2 days) but because a resolution seems as if it is barring some action even when it is a resolution to do something. Whereas the word intention--well it seems so light and carefree in comparison--filled with good will and hope. While Resolute is a stern-faced older man with a disapproving glare.
This year I am going with intentions and while I won't bore you with my entire list, I will share a few.
1. I intend to try and be the most magnificent me that I can be. (This one encompasses the whole better Mom/Wife/Daughter/Volunteer/Author/Human Being resolution.)
2. I intend to be grateful for all that I have and all that I am given.
3. I intend for Can't Buy Me Love to be the very best contemporary romance that I can write right now.
(Publishing E-Book March 2012!--read an excerpt here).
4. I intend to be healthy. Which means continuing my yoga (yes--I've finally found an exercise I like and I do nearly every day) and eating healthy most the time. (I can eat unhealthy when I really really want to.)
5. I intend to try and embrace all the moments that race by--not just the final ones--because all these moments make up my life and I am blessed to get them.
So what about you, brave reader? What resolutions, intentions, plans, goals--whatever you want to name them will you be making in the final moments of 2011. Share them in the comments section--there is a free e-book of Can't Buy Me Love available for one lucky winner--of course you'll have to wait until March for the e-book but hey, it might be good companion reading for all those funny intentions you make right now!
Maggie Marr is a reformed resolution maker who lives in Los Angeles. She is married and attempts to be an excellent mother of two. She has a law degree she no longer uses--much. She also was a motion picture literary agent. Now she writes books and screenplays and produces films. Can't Buy Me Love her latest book and first contemporary romance publishes March 2012 and will be available on e-book. You can follow her at